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My Barefoot Homestead
Knowing Jesus

If there is one page on this website that I am most excited about you visiting, hands down, it’s this one. Whether you’re already a believer in Jesus and just need your cup filled or you’re a curious soul with an ache in your heart for something more than this world has to offer, I believe you’ll leave this page different then when you clicked on it. Not because of me, but because of what God will do with your heart as you read on. First and foremost, let me preface what’s to come with exactly what being a believer in Jesus means: Being a believer in Christ means you made a one time decision to believe that God, our Creator, sent His Son to this earth to die for your sins. Believing in that truth and that truth alone saves your soul for all eternity. You cannot earn your salvation and once you have it you cannot lose it. Ever. I want to repeat that. You cannot earn your salvation by the good you do or lose it once you have it. Your eternity in heaven is mercifully and lovingly given to you the second to believe the Good News. That is what a believer is. Now, let me also tell you what a believer is not... a believer is not perfect. Jesus is a Savior, not a magician. He will not magic your sins or your problems away so you live a flawless life. In fact, it's quite the opposite. It is through those things that we learn just how much we need Jesus to get through the hardships and fight the temptations to sin. Christians are still sinners. Christians still mess up. But what Christians cling to is the knowledge of our redemption - that because of Christ our sins have been washed away. It doesn't excuse behavior, it should motivate a change and growth to be more like Jesus. It's a lifelong journey. Alright, so whether or not you’re currently a believer in Jesus, I can almost bet you’ve thought, “Jesus/God could never love someone like me.” I have. But here’s the truth... He absolutely should not love us. But He does. And I mean loves you bigger than you could ever fathom. Below are scripture passages of the type of people Jesus interacted with and loved deeply while He walked the earth...


+ The tax collector (Luke 10:1-10)

+ The adulterous Samaritan woman (John 4:7-42)

+ The leper (Matthew 8:1-4)

+ Saul - Later, Paul to whom He showed Himself after His resurrection (Acts 9:1-9)

+ Judas Iscariot - the disciple whom hours before betrayed Him had his feet washed by Jesus (John 13:1-11)

+ Simon Peter - the disciple who denied knowing Him three times after He was arrested, in whom He told He would build His church upon (Matthew 16:13-20)


And this is just the New Testament, friends. The Bible from the beginning of the Old Testament in Genesis to the book of Revelation is overflowing with imperfect humans being unconditionally loved and redeemed by their Creator. I assure you, if God could still love Adam and Eve after the Fall in the garden and if Jesus could forgive a woman who was caught sleeping with another woman’s husband, YOU too can be forgiven. There is nothing you can do, no where you could go (or hide), no depth too far you could fall that would keep God from pursuing you. He is after your heart and He wants you. He wants to be what you build your life on. He wants to bless you and care for you and shape you and grow you and strengthen you and comfort you and be your safe place. He wants to be everything for you. For you and for me...the imperfect sinners. God created you on purpose. You are not an accident. Nothing about you is a mistake. You make mistakes, but you, yourself, are not a mistake. You were a vision in His mind that He decided He wanted to bring to life. 


In his book, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren says, “God made you so He could love you. If there was no God, we would all be ‘accidents,’ the result of astronomical random chance in the universe. You could stop reading this right now because life would have no purpose or meaning or significance. But there is a God who made you for a reason, and your life has profound meaning! But we only discover that meaning and purpose when we make God the reference point of our lives.” Wherever you are in your faith, please know, without any doubt, your existence is intentional. You are not an accident. You have been made for a purpose, created by a God who adores you. The question you have to ask yourself is, “do I believe it?” If you’re not yet a believer in Jesus Christ and you want to be, come. There’s room at the table for you. If you are a believer in Jesus but just needed a reminder of how loved you are, I hope this page filled your heart and stirred the longing in you to keep pursuing the Lord.


There are so many amazing books that you can get your hands on to grow in your faith but the first one you should get your hands on is The Holy Bible. If you’ve never read the Bible before and are intimidated by it, the best place to start is the book of John. John is an eye witness account of Jesus’ ministry. I also recommend the ESV or NLT version as it’s easier to read. If you have a smartphone, you can download the Holy Bible app as well. I wouldn’t substitute the real thing permanently though. There’s something powerful in turning the pages of the Bible by hand. In my walk, I’ve also fallen in love with Karen Kingsbury Christian Novels. Her stories are beautiful and full of Gods love redemption. Another book I have read that changed how I viewed my faith is The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren.


My hope and prayer for you is that wherever you are in your faith, you leave here feeling closer to Jesus. If you read through this and made the decision to give your heart to Jesus Christ and want to share your story, please click here. If you're still unsure and you'd like to talk more, or get your hands on a bible, please click here so I can help you get one! And lastly, but most certainly not least, if you're already a believer and this touched your heart, I'd love to hear about it if you'd like to share


May God bless you and keep you.

Love, Rachael


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